Home / Why Conhexa / History
50 years of caring for our clients
Conhexa’s history is a story of vision, daring and enterprise.
Conhexa is a family business in the truest sense of the phrase, with the current managing directors, Hilde Dejonghe and her husband Luc Van Holzaet, following in the footsteps of Hilde’s father. Conhexa draws on the experience and expertise of the various subsidiaries that have been created over the years: Hexatrans, Dunfrost and Dunfresh. More than 50 years since it first set up shop alongside the A25, Conhexa has become a full-service logistics partner at the crossroads between northern Europe, the British Isles and the south of the continent.
André Dejonghe founds Frigo A25, a logistics site alongside the A25 motorway in Steenvoorde, specialising in frozen products
Hilde Dejonghe and Luc Van Holzaet take the reins
Hexatrans is born
Work starts on the Dunkirk site
“Frozen” operations launch in Dunkirk (Dunfrost)
The Conhexa Group is created
“Fresh” capacity in Dunkirk is doubled, from 14 000 m2 to 28 000 m2
The new €7m Dunfrost building opens, doubling the surface area with space for an extra 14 000 pallets
An additional 5 000 m2 of “fresh” capacity opens in Dunkirk
to be continued ...